Hot and Sour Broth with Collard Greens and Tofu

Collard greens! Interested in nutrients that support the body's detox system, antioxidant system, and inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system? Not sure how to prepare them? I wasn't. We were out of greens and I had just a few minutes to stop at a small local store.  The only greens available were collard greens, so I snatched them up.  When I got home, I stood there looking at them wondering what in the world to do with them. As I tried to imagine how…

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Elizabeth’s Quinoa Special

This sweet and simple dish is made with little ones in mind. If you have kids, they'll probably love it, just like my daughter. She loved it so much that she served it on a silver platter. An easy vegetarian alternative to chicken noodle soup, this dish is made from four ingredients: protein-packed quinoa, flavonoid-rich onion, bouillon, and water. You could also throw in diced carrots and celery, if you have them on hand.

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