#059 Lemon Juice and Vinegar, 2000 Calories, Hugs, and eBooks

Dear Podcast Listeners,

Here are the topics and links to the articles and studies discussed on my latest podcast.  If you are not yet a subscriber, please subscribe to my podcast by clicking this link to iTunes.

1. Lemon Juice and Vinegar can help to lower the glycemic effect of foods which could help in weight loss.

2. What does 2,000 calories look like?  Here is the link to the New York Times article.

3. Hugs can prevent the common cold.  Here is the PBS news story on this study.  Here is a link to the abstract of this published study.

4. eBooks at night can harm our sleep and our health.  Here is the link to the news report of this study.  Here is a link to the actual study.

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