Protein-Powered Raspberry Smoothie
Jane Day Jane Day is co-author with Dr. John Day of "The Longevity Plan," documenting their journey to China's Longevity Village. "Preparing food for guests has always been a stressful thing - feeling inadequate and fearing that the dishes wouldn't turn out. Posting recipes has been an exercise in the ultimate confrontation of this fear. Gratefully, the joy in figuring out how to make favorite dishes with healthier ingredients now exceeds the fear and I take courage in the idea that maybe I can help someone else do the same." |
Protein-Powered Raspberry Smoothie
- 1 cup frozen raspberries
- 1 small banana
- 2 tablespoons black beans, unsalted
- 1/2 tablespoons Chia seeds
- 2 tablespoons cooked quinoa if available
- 2 tablespoon Avocado
- 1 cup water
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Isn’t a smoothie “processed food”?
The result looks nothing like the ingredients from which it is made.
Won’t the process of grinding them up will “release” all the sugars in the ingredients and result in a spike in one’s blood sugar?
So confusing. With all the hype about the benefits of a ketogenic diet. Something with this much fructose and carbs seems wrong?
Hi Diane,
Thank you so much for reading! Yes, the ketogenic diet is the most popular diet right now. While the ketogenic diet has shown tremendous benefits for childhood epilepsy and it also looks promising for weight loss and diabetes management it has yet to be proven as a strategy for longevity or cardiovascular disease prevention.
With the ketogenic diet it is important to remember that not all carbs are bad. While sugar and processed carbs cause significant disease, the unprocessed complex carbs found in real vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, seeds, etc. are incredibly healthy and life promoting.
All of the ingredients in this smoothie are real whole foods (fruit, legumes, seeds, and intact grains). Nothing is processed. When you look at thousands of published medical studies on longevity, reduced cardiovascular disease, etc. all of these studies have shown significant benefit in disease prevention and longevity.
Hope this helps!