#034 Free Healthy Habit Tracker App

Dr. John Day’s Free Healthy Habit Tracker App

Do you dream of being able to maintain excellent health, lose weight, or reverse a medical condition? The key to living the life you want is to begin making small and lasting changes now.

But how?

Over the course of my career, I have worked with thousands of patients who’ve shared the struggle I once faced: reclaiming our health. Those who track their daily habits are the ones who successfully make the changes and reverse their medical conditions.

For me, tracking my behaviors remains the single most effective tool in successfully accomplishing my goals. To help you succeed in your health goals, We’ve created a free web-based app for you to begin using today:

Dr. John Day’s Free Healthy Habit Tracker App

Benefits of  Tracking

Here are three key benefits of using this app:

1.  Customized Success Plan

Do you know what changes you need to make to succeed in your health goals?

We’ve designed this app based on the proven daily habits of the China Longevity Villagers who model the lifestyle that I and many patients and colleagues have adapted to find a new level of health, including: weight loss, reversing medical conditions, dropping medications, better sleep and more energy.

2. Awareness = Power

Do you know what you are actually eating or how much you move each day? Do you know what triggers cause your current unhealthy habits?

Studies show that you likely eat more and move less than you think and that you mindlessly engage in behaviors that are detrimental to your health.   Tracking your behavior is one of the first keys to success because it brings awareness to what you are actually doing, giving you power to make changes.

3.  Rewards

Rewards reinforce good behaviors, turning them into good habits.  As you track your daily habits, you will earn medals within the program.  Enlist a friend–support and reward one another as you progress.

The overwhelming majority of my patients find that once they started tracking their behaviors, they can then begin to set and actually achieve goals.

Tracking their achievements rewards and reinforces their new behaviors. Over time, these new behaviors became new habits. These new habits translate into a new level of health, including: weight loss, reversing medical conditions, dropping medications, better sleep and more energy.

How it Works

Let me show you how to get this free healthy habit tracker app and how it works.

First sign up for this free online app here:

Dr. John Day’s Free Healthy Habit Tracker App

Once you have signed up for this program, here’s how this free healthy habit tracker app works:

1. Daily Email Reminder

You will receive an email daily reminding you to record your results for the day.  If you don’t see it in your inbox, check your spam folder.

2. Be Consistent at Filling Out the Daily Survey

Answer all 11 questions. You can earn medals based on how many days you fill this out. In general it takes 1-2 months to develop a new habit. Thus, you can earn a bronze medal for filling it out 7 days, a silver medal for 21 days, and a gold medal for 60 days.

3. Graph Your Results

There are graphs and charts where you can see your results.

4. Real Food First

To better understand the “Real Food First” questions of the daily survey, please read our article on Real Food First.

5. Get a Pedometer

To answer question 6, you will need a pedometer. To learn more about good pedometer options, including free options for your smart phone, please visit the resource page of my website.

6. Spend Time Outside

You may be curious why I want you to track whether you spend at least 20 minutes outside or not (question #7). The reason is that medical studies show the following benefits for people who spend time outside:

-Weigh less as the morning sun lowers hunger hormones

-Have higher vitamin D levels

-Sleep better from the effects of natural sunlight on the brain

-Are more physically active

-Are happier, better able to concentrate, and heal faster

7. Practice a Random Act of Kindness Daily

For question #8, people who are able to reach out and help others enjoy many health benefits which include the following:

-Live 28% longer

-40% less hypertension

-Less heart disease

-Less stress


8. Be Grateful

For question #10, people who are grateful enjoy remarkable health. For example, grateful people experience the following:

-Less stress

-More optimism

-Better sleep

-Less heart disease

-Stronger immune system

-Less depression

-Live longer

9. Set a Bedtime Alarm Clock

The last question, #11, may appear somewhat strange at first glance. I have found that one of the biggest problems to not getting enough sleep is staying up too late for whatever reason–watching TV, working on a computer, or playing on our phones.

To get enough sleep, I recommend setting a bedtime alarm. The rules are quite simple, when the alarm goes off it is time for bed. We should all try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night to ensure optimal health.

I hope you find our free healthy habit tracker app as valuable as I do. Please share with me your experiences using this tool and any suggestions that you have.

Here’s to a life filled with real food, real living, and real happiness!

Disclaimer Policy: This website is intended to give general information and does not provide medical advice. This website does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. John Day. If you have a medical problem, immediately contact your healthcare provider. Information on this website is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Dr. John Day is not responsible for any losses, damages or claims that may result from your medical decisions.