Hot and Sour Broth with Collard Greens and Tofu

Collard greens! Interested in nutrients that support the body's detox system, antioxidant system, and inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system? Not sure how to prepare them? I wasn't. We were out of greens and I had just a few minutes to stop at a small local store.  The only greens available were collard greens, so I snatched them up.  When I got home, I stood there looking at them wondering what in the world to do with them. As I tried to imagine how…

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Red Potatoes with Braising Greens

Braising greens are packed with nutrients, and when finely chopped, can be added to lots of dishes and enjoyed even by young ones.We received our braising greens in a bundle from our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) share. If you don't see them in your local store, you can easily substitute swiss chard, kale or any other dark leafy greens you'd like to try.

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Kale Chili

Whenever I am asked what my favorite food is, I often think of Kale.  Kale gets 1000 on the Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI)--a which rates foods on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient content. I especially love Kale in warm dishes. I had some leftover tangy chili and decided to add in a bunch of Kale.  It is delicious. I hope you enjoy this organic kale chili with a super food boost of nutrition!

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Hot and Sour Soup

This nutritious and bold soup is quick to make and very satisfying.  Just boil water, amino acids, rice vinegar, hot sauce, garlic and a little sesame oil to make the broth. Throw in organic green onions, diced carrots, shredded cabbage, mushrooms, cubed tofu, and soba buckwheat noodles (if desired). In 3-4 minutes, you have a hot, delicious soup.  Alternatively, you can pull the veggies and tofu from the broth and heap them over brown rice for a complete meal. Enjoy!

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