“Ham Fried Rice” Veggie Style

This quick and healthy twist on ham fried rice is a favorite of mine and my kids.  I actually use steel cut oats instead of brown rice, mostly because they are so quick to make. Also, oats offer more nutrients overall than brown rice. Hope you enjoy!

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Jane’s Buddha Bowl

Go ahead and get creative with this one! Sauté whatever veggies you have with this flavorful blend of rice vinegar, liquid aminos, sesame oil, turmeric, harissa and nutritional yeast. Serve your veggies over quinoa mixed with hummus and lime. Sprinkle with avocado and toasted pumpkin seeds or favorite nut or seed. Yum! Yum! Yum!

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Warmed Kale Salad

Simple. Warm. Comfort food.KaleOnionGarlic<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Bragg-Liquid-Aminos-32-oz/dp/B00014X0BQ/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1510764600&amp;sr=8-3&amp;keywords=braggs+liquid+aminos&amp;dpID=41mQA4ow%252B-L&amp;preST=_SY300_QL70_&amp;dpSrc=srch">Bragg's Liquid Aminos</a>  Liquid Aminos are one of my favorite ingredients for vegetable sautees and for many soups, both for the taste and for the health benefits. Adequate Amino Acids help vitamins and minerals to do what they are designed to do for us. According to Bragg, their Liquid Aminos contains these essential Amino Acids: Arginine * Aspartic * Lysine * Glutamic * Serine * Threonine * Alanine * Glycine * Proline * Isoleucine * Methionine…

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Hot and Sour Broth with Collard Greens and Tofu

Collard greens! Interested in nutrients that support the body's detox system, antioxidant system, and inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system? Not sure how to prepare them? I wasn't. We were out of greens and I had just a few minutes to stop at a small local store.  The only greens available were collard greens, so I snatched them up.  When I got home, I stood there looking at them wondering what in the world to do with them. As I tried to imagine how…

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